The White Shell Provincial Park is located directly on the border of Ontario and Manitoba. It consists of not one campground but is broken up into about 10 different areas or campgrounds. The one we chose to stay at was called "White Hawk". We took the exit off the highway and drove down a paved road until we got to a T in the road where we stopped in confusion. We didn't know if we should go right or left. There was no signs saying which way to go and clearly we weren't there yet because we seemed to have entered a small town that kind of reminded me of the town of Powassan. We pulled off to the side of the road and looked around to find a clue. Then we noticed a sign (the kind where you can add or remove letters to change what you want to say at any time) that said "White Shell Provincial Park Welcome...."
For one thing, the showers were quite nice. The building they were housed in features a decorative glass-less window in the wall in the shape of a turtle. The water is heated by solar panels that cover the entirety of the roof. The water pressure was good and the water was hot. The building itself had artistic angles and shapes to it. The only downfall was that it was a pay-per-use shower (about $1 for 3 minutes).

Our spirits picked up and when we were done with dinner we walked leisurely back to our site. We noticed how nice the side walks were and how nice the street flags were.