When I went back to check on Balto a little later there were puddles everywhere inside the tent. So I threw most of my stuff in the car. If I was going to stay another night I at least wanted my bedding to be dry. Inside the screen tent was fairly dry so I took an extra sleeping bag and I made a bed for Balto to sleep on under the picnic table while we waited for the rain to stop. It took some coaxing but I eventually convinced him that he would be happier there than in the wet tent.
Eventually it got to the point where I began to wonder where everyone was. I can see why Jayson and his family may not have wanted to stay the extra days but surely at least some of our friends should be arriving by now. So I started texting a couple of my friends to ask where they were and how much longer they may be.
This left me in a no win situation. I was wet, and dirty and in no way presentable to be going to a restaurant. Plus I had the dog with me and did not want to leave him in the car while I went into a restaurant. So if no one was coming and I could not go to them, then I had to decide if I wanted to stay another night like I had originally planned or go back home.
Balto was more than ready to get home by this point.
As I drove through the park to get to the front gate, all around me were the other campsites with signs that they too had experienced some flooding during the rain. No wonder the ducks are so fond of this park!
As I headed home I thought....McDonald's for supper sounds great right about now. So with warm thoughts of Big Macs and fries in my head I left Mikisew Park behind me.