Fortunately none of us got stung and we got out of the area as fast as we could. My mom asked me if I was hurt. I had landed backwards on my palms but my butt hadn't even hit the ground so I wasn't hurt much at all. I replied "I am not hurt as much as I would have been if I had gotten stung by a bee". So that was a narrow escape.
The second was that the boom box was quite a ways away on the opposite side of the trail, way back in the thick dense bush. It's alright in the day but a little dicey at night due to there being not as much light and a high volume of rocks and roots to trip over.
Then there was the third problem. When we first got to the site we had just plopped most of our stuff down on the ground in a little grassy area. After our swim we came back to find that everything that was in the grassy area was covered in a mass of flying ants. Apparently the grassy area was filled with multitudes of holes in the ground all of which were home to hundreds of flying ants. We quickly moved our stuff off of the grassy area and shooed the flying ants away. Once our stuff was off of the ants homes they calmed down and went back into their holes and didn't bother us the rest of the time we were there.
I sat in the twilight watching the fish jumping in the lake and listening to the crickets and the loons. There must be a flight path through here for planes though, because the low rumbling sounds of planes passing could be heard about every 15 to 20 minutes and it was a little disappointing.
Soon enough I headed for bed too. It was a hot and humid night but it was cloudy and overcast so there was to be no star gazing tonight. Since we were told to expect thunderstorms tonight we did not sleep with the tent door open. Tomorrow should be a good day because we do not have far to go tomorrow.