2 p.m.
So off we went to Killarney Outfitters to get ice. Along the way we saw a young black bear crossing the road. By the time we got back with the ice, our mom was also back from her hike. We began to make a supper of dehydrated tuna/cheese and broccoli along with some bannock. We also prepared some home made chocolate pudding in a zip-lock bag which we we put on ice along with the bottles of pop so that we could have it nice and cold. It's funny how things like ice you take for granted at home but when you are camping and it is hard to come by it becomes a real treat.
At about 7 p.m. a raccoon came into the campsite. We had expected that Willimena may be back. She seemed like a regular with the attitude she had. She had arrived at about 9 the previous night so we thought that this was a bit early for her. But what did we know. We had only seen her the one time. The raccoon was reaching up in the tree for something and this pose was just too cute. So I took a picture through the screen of the tent.
Eventually she got bold enough to get up on the table and join us in a game of cards. Heather would hold out her cards and say "Which one should I play Willimena?" and Willimena would tap one of her cards and Heather would play it.
However, cards were not what Willimena was interested in. She was on the hunt for food naturally. She was going through every little bag and container we had on the table. She was searching the dice bag, then the card boxes. She tried for my mom's cigarette package but my mom took that away. Then she went for a baggie with some plastic bottles of juice in them that you can add to water to make flavoured water. My mom tried to wrestle that away from her. It was a tug of war battle until I pointed out to my mom that she may as well let Willimena have it because even if she got into the bag, she would not be able to open the plastic containers inside. Sure enough, Willimena gave up on those real quick.
Heather and I decided to walk down to the beach to do some star gazing because it was such a beautiful night.We lay down on a picnic table, one on each bench and looked up at the stars. The sky was so clear and the stars were so bright and the evening was so warm. It was absolutely gorgeous. It was about the time that the Perseid Meteor Shower was beginning. It wasn't due to peak until August 11th; but sure enough we saw quite a number of "falling stars" in a very short period of time. We also were lucky enough to see the International Space Station go by.