We ate breakfast and got ready to go to the art exhibition. We decided we would come back to the campsite to get our backpacks later. We made a quick stop to the bathroom before we went. Outside the bathroom was a little girl and her parents and they were looking up at the green roof of the bathroom. Tucked in under a ledge was a little nest with two baby birds quietly waiting for their mom and dad to come back and feed them. They were so quiet that if the little girl hadn't been pointing them out to her parents, I never would have known they were there.
Since we were in the middle of the park, there were no ATMs or debit machines. So to purchase something with a card, the artist would write down on a slip of paper, the piece of artwork that you wanted and the price. Then you take the paper down to the park's gift shop (which is a cute little cabin in the woods) and pay for it there. Once you have paid for it, you take the receipt back to the artist and then you can get your art. We did this for Heather's moose prints.
The guy at the office asked us the usual questions "What colour is your tent? What is your license plate number?" etc. Then when he had us all registered he gave us two permits; one for the car and "one for the post on your site"......We said thanks and then left. On our way out the door, Heather and I said to each other "There are posts at each back country campsite? That's different." There actually isn't any posts in the back country campsites. I think the guy just has a little blurb rehearsed and he says it so often that he didn't click in that we wouldn't have a post to put it on.
We had to drive back a fair distance the way we had come to get got to the parking lot at the trail head. We finally got there at about 2:25 pm. Since the first site that we had reserved is closest to the end of the trail instead of the beginning, we were going to be doing the trail backwards. This meant that we had to walk a little ways up the road with our backpacks on before we even got to the trail. But it also meant that when we came out of the bush on the last day, we would come out just across the road from our car.
I was already thinking that if the bugs were going to be this bad then I was probably going to be miserable for the whole trip. What had I gotten myself into? We realized that the reason for so many mosquitoes was because we were passing right by a marshy area on our left.
We asked her if she was staying on site 526 and she said yes and that she was staying there by herself. I told her that there was actually another bathroom close to her site, but she would just have to search a little for it. We also told her that it had way more privacy than ours did. She seemed pretty happy to hear this and she went back to find her own thunder box.
We explored the area a bit and noticed that the bases of almost all the trees were charred black. It looks like there was a forest fire here at one point. I don't think it was this year, there is too much green under brush here. Perhaps it was a controlled burn. Whatever the case, this little toad didn't seem to mind that he was sitting on a charcoal tree base. |
It was a gorgeous evening. The moon was out and Venus was big and bright and setting in the sky. We sat and enjoyed the peacefulness of the evening. Eventually we headed into the tent and played a game of Quirkle or two until we were too tired. It had been a good day and we were looking forward to seeing what tomorrow would bring.