The woods in this section reminded me of a childhood Berenstain Bears book called "The Spooky Old Tree"
Heather and Carsten pointed out a couple other things that we liked about the site.
Once Carsten and I did finally get going we ended up missing the trail marker that led into the woods and we followed the shoreline a lot farther than we were supposed to. We had to back track to find it once we realized we had gone too far. By this time Heather was a good 45 minutes or so ahead of us. We finally got onto the proper trail and got going at about 2 pm. We didn't know it yet, but this was the beginning of where things started to go wrong.
We stopped briefly to check out Buckshot site # 3.
He went back as far as where we had seen the snake but he never found it. I suspect that I had lost it shortly after we had stopped to talk with the mother and daughter though, which was way way back there. So, it was completely lost and we never did find it again. I was a bit disappointed because this next leg of the trail I really would have liked to have known how far we had traveled. This was the longest day of the whole trip.
While we were resting and talking to Heather on the walkie talkies we were completely and utterly shocked to see Heather coming out of the bush, not in front of us, but.....behind us! Ok what !?!?
Even more shocked was Heather. She had somehow come around in a complete circle. She was baffled and exhausted and angry that she had wasted so much time going in a giant circle! And understandably so.
We rested for a bit while we got water and I took some time to watch a snail in the lake while we figured out our next steps. But the whole time Heather just kept saying that she didn't understand how this happened. We all joked that maybe she went through a time warp.
Heather was very reluctant to have to end up back here again and Carsten and I could kind of understand why, but it wasn't until the next day when we saw the tail that Heather had taken that we fully comprehended why Heather would dread having to end up back here so much. It wasn't the destination of here , it was the journey to get here. I suggested that we get out the compass so that we would be sure to be going in the right direction and not go in a big circle.
Heather began to show us the hidden trail she had taken and we followed her. Eventually we got to a spot where we had a choice to make. We could either go straight and follow the trail into the woods, or we could climb some rocks to our left and get to a cairn marker that I could see at the top. We really didn't want to have to climb since it wasn't an easy climb, but we knew that it was definitely in the direction we were supposed to go in.
So since there were not many trees here, much of the trail markers were made of piles of rock cairns. The problem with this is that not everyone who does these trails knows what cairns are. Some people think they are inukshuks an think they are decorations and want to build their own. Well, that means we were finding cairns that weren't actually cairns. Other people think that these are inukshuks made by people who aren't First Nation people and they deem it "culture appropriation" and they knock them over. So in a horizon of nothing but rocks these knocked over piles are just another bunch of meaningless rocks.
At one point, Carsten and I had seen a cairn way up at the top of a hill. So we climbed all the way up only to find that it ended up as a dead end and at a cliff that had a sheer drop about a good 100 to 200 feet to the bottom. There was zero way anyone was going down this. Had we known this, we never would have made the climb up. We were too sore to be making extra climbs that weren't needed.
So, we called out to Heather to help us find the way. She had found a marker at the bottom of the hill instead of at the top. She was frustrated that we weren't finding the trail as easily as she was. So she started yelling at us. Knowing the mental state of all of us I tried to just ignore the tone and go with the information.
It wasn't long before we got to yet another place where we couldn't see where the trail was and Heather was ahead and we didn't know how she go there. So naturally we called out and said "How did you get there""
She snapped some sort of remark and that was the last straw for me. I lost it and screamed at her "JUST STOP! YOU NEED TO STAY WITH US!!" Of course this resulted in a screaming match and it wasn't long before Carsten had also had enough and was screaming at her too "COME AND GET THIS PLATYPUS! IT'S YOURS AND I AM NOT CARRYING IT ANYMORE!"
Next thing you know, Heather was telling us that she was leaving us. And we said "FINE!" and she said "WELL I HAVE THE WATER FILTER!" . To which Carsten replied "WELL I HAVE A LIFE STRAW AND WE CAN BOIL WATER!" (Heather still had my life straw from when we traded a couple days earlier but I was all for boiling water if I had to at this point). Heather yells "WELL I HAVE THE TENT!" and I yelled back "WELL I HAVE AN EMERGENCY TENT!" Then Heather yells "WELL I DROVE US HERE AND YOU CAN FIND YOUR OWN RIDE BACK HOME" thinking she would sway us to follow her. But it didn't work. With all 3 of us yelling "FINE!" "YEAH FINE!" "FINE!" we parted ways. Heather went one way and Carsten and I carried on forward.
We kept coming to cove after cove, thinking that Mermaid Lagoon couldn't be much further. Maybe it's the next cove away. (It was actually about 4 coves away from where we parted ways with Heather). We stopped at one cove along the way where there was a bit of shade to take a much needed break.
As we sat there I just listened to the sound of the waves lapping up against the stones on the shore and kept thinking about the argument with Heather. As I sat I could have sworn I heard Heather saying "Miserable $@!%'s" I looked up ahead at the tree line where our trail was leading and I had a feeling of being watched. I figured it wouldn't surprise me if Heather had found an easier route and was now ahead of us. After all, Carsten and I did get lost a couple more times before ending up here. So it was totally possible. But we were too mad to make any contact with her right now. I figured we could hash it out if she made it to Mermaid Lagoon before us and we found her there. Right now I just wanted to rest a moment. I just kept thinking that Mermaid Lagoon better be worth it! And at this rate, there better damn well be mermaids there!
The site was the same set up as most of the others. But one of the logs beside the firepit was no good as a seat or anything else. It was too wobbly to sit on and even putting any of your gear or even so much as a cup on it, resulted in that item ending up on the ground.
Still no response form Heather over the walkie talkie. Not surprising really. With the height of the hills and all the trees between us the walkie talkies don't get a good signal when you are too far away from each other. Just before bed I said "Good night Heather! I hope you are safe! I am turning the walkie talkie off now" just in case she could hear us and was just not responding because she was still mad. And then I turned it off for the night to conserve batteries.
The first was worrying about Heather. Did she make it to a campsite? Was she in a make shift campsite somewhere because she couldn't make it back? Did she make it over the rocks ok? She is allergic to hornets so did she get stung? All these thoughts.
Second was because although I was warm, my body was shivering. Looks like I had some symptoms of heat exhaustion. The next day Carsten said he had the same thing happen to him when he tried to go to sleep. I mentally told myself to relax and calm down and after awhile I finally fell asleep.
What a day. What an adventure. And we weren't even done yet. Tomorrow we had to find our way back and find Heather!